The Cybersecurity Canon – CISO: Desk Reference Guide; A Practical Guide for CISOs Volume 2

We modeled the Cybersecurity Canon after the Baseball or Rock & Roll Hall-of-Fame, except for cybersecurity books. We have more than 25 books on the initial candidate list, but we are soliciting help from the cybersecurity community to increase the number to be much more than that. Please write a review and nominate your favorite. 

The Cybersecurity Canon is a real thing for our community. We have designed it so that you can directly participate in the process. Please do so!


Executive Summary

I recommend “CISO: Desk Reference Guide; A Practical Guide for CISOs volume 2” be included in the Cybersecurity Canon Hall of Fame candidate list alongside its first volume companion. These two books will provide any CISO – newbie or ragged veteran – the reference material to build and improve their security programs. The authors present the essentials and represent the perfect example of what a desk reference guide should be: a collection and starting point for topics that all current and aspiring CISOs should know about. The content may not be the final word on many of these subjects, but it is a fantastic place readers can start to think about their own ideas regarding what the role of a CISO is and will be in the next decade. Where they take that knowledge from there is on them.



Full disclosure: I have known Gary Hayslip, one of the three authors of this guide, for a number of years. He is a no-nonsense network defender, and his wisdom expressed at the various security conferences we all attend has been, in many cases, the sole reason to go. He brings that same sensibility to volume two of the CISO’s Desk Reference Guide. Gary and his fellow authors, Bill Bonney and Matt Stamper, published volume one back in 2016; and Canon Committee member, Ben Rothke, recommended it as a Cybersecurity Canon Candidate at the end of last year. Rothke said that the book is “an excellent example” of what a desk reference guide should be: a collection and starting point for topics that all current and aspiring CISOs should know about. It may not be the final word on many of these subjects, but it is a fantastic place to start so that readers can begin thinking about and developing their own ideas regarding what the role of a CISO is.


Topics Covered

In volume one, they specifically covered these topics:

  • Office of the CISO organization
  • Policy and audit
  • Information classification
  • Third party-risk
  • Metrics
  • Board management
  • Risk management
  • Tools

For this volume, the authors complete the picture by including:

  • Finding talent
  • Cyber awareness training
  • Basic cyber hygiene
  • Monitoring
  • Threat intelligence
  • Continuity planning
  • Incident response
  • Recovery
  • Forensics
  • Strategic planning


This is not a book you read cover-to-cover; rather, you have it on your desk to refer to when you need a pointer or two. When I was in the U.S. Army, we called these things our “smart books,” and they contained bits and pieces of knowledge that we learned through the school of hard knocks. The best thing about these volumes is that you have three seasoned professionals giving us their notes so that we don’t have to go through the pain of discovery ourselves.


Picking Some Nits

As with any reference book on a topic as complex as this one, there are a few things here that might have used more detail or I felt didn’t explore certain sides of an issue.

In the talent section, the authors rightfully point out that there is a giant shortfall of qualified personnel for the over 2 million open positions in the industry today. Their general suggestions about how to fill your open positions are spot on. I was disappointed that they did not mention the diversity issues also prevalent in our industry. Minorities and women are severely underrepresented, and whatever your strategy is to hire for your team, it had better include a healthy dose of diversity and inclusion.

In the hygiene section, the authors make the case that basic common-sense actions to protect themselves will go a long way in preventing cyber adversaries from being successful. I was disappointed that they did not discuss the recent DevOps or DevSecOps movement, whereby the entire community is moving toward automating these kind of hygiene items.

In the threat intelligence section, the authors do a good job of defining what threat intelligence is; how it is not a one-size fits all; and that you have to build the kind of intelligence your organization needs based on your culture, your senior leadership’s desires, and what you think are the basic intelligence needs for your organization. They lay out the benefits of information sharing and describe a number of potential sharing organizations that any CISO might consider joining. I was pleased to discover a mention of the Palo Alto Networks open source intelligence sharing tool, MineMeld, that organizations can use to connect to one API, collect and reformat information, and redirect it to another API. But I was disappointed that they did not describe the intelligence life cycle. For any intelligence program to be effective, intelligence professionals continuously work their way through a four-stage cycle.

First, they define the CEO/CSO Information Requirements (CIRs). These are the high-level questions the leadership wants the intelligence team to work on. Second, they evaluate their sources of information through the lens of “can the intelligence team answer the CIRs.” If they can, fine. If they can’t, they need to seek additional intelligence sources. Third, they need to transform the raw information into intelligence reports. This is the actionable intelligence that you have heard everybody in our industry talk about. Lastly, they have to deliver those reports to the right customers to take action.



Like I said, I’m just picking some nits. I recommend that this book be included in the Cybersecurity Canon Hall of Fame candidate list, along with its first volume companion. These two books, alongside a Hall of Fame winner, “Winning as a CISO,” by Rich Baich, will provide any CISO, newbie or ragged veteran, the reference material to build and improve their security programs. All three books represent a block of material that is a great place to start. The block is not complete by any means. If it were, it would be over a thousand pages long and instantly out-of-date the day the authors published it. To misquote Ferris Bueller, “[Things] moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” But these books present the essentials. Where you from there is on you.



“The Cybersecurity Canon – CISO Desk Reference Guide: A Practical Guide for CISOs Volume 1,” book review by Ben Rothke, 28 December 2017, last visited 14 March 2018,


“Winning as a CISO,” book review by Rick Howard, 12 January 2015, last visited 14 March 2018,

[Palo Alto Networks Research Center]

What is Standalone Virtual Reality, and Why Are Enterprises Betting On It?

If you are interested in virtual reality, you surely know that the buzzword of 2018 is “standalone.” All the major VR companies are betting on standalone VR devices: HTC Vive China president Alvin Wang Graylin announced in a recent interview that his goal for 2018 is to see standalone devices becoming successful and Oculus’ Hugo Barra has expressed a similar opinion.

But what are standalone VR devices? And why do all of these important people believe in them? Let me answer these questions for you.

What is a standalone VR device?
The typical virtual reality headset can come in two flavors:

  • Connected to a PC for an expensive, high performance experience (e.g. Oculus Rift and HTC Vive);
  • Integrated with your mobile phone for a cheap, low quality experience (e.g. Gear VR and Daydream).

Figure 1 Oculus Go standalone headset (Image credit: Oculus)

Standalone VR sits somewhere in the middle between these two extremes: it is a good quality experience, for an affordable price. But its peculiarity is that standalone VR headsets do not require anything else to work: they don’t need a phone or a PC; they work out of the box. A standalone device is similar to a mobile VR headset, but it already includes all the required electronical parts, it already embeds the display, the processing power and all the other hardware inside. It is a computer on its own.

Figure 2 Vive Focus device (Image credit: HTC Vive)

This means that the user can buy it, unbox it and then put it on his/her head to start living VR experiences immediately.

Why are all the companies betting on them?
Standalones offer a lot of clear advantages over the other available VR devices:

  • They are affordable. A standalone VR headset costs less than a Samsung phone plus GearVR or than an Oculus Rift plus VR-ready PC. Some standalones are really cheap: the upcoming Oculus Go, for instance, will cost only US $200, and this will let a lot of people afford entering virtual reality;
  • They are easy to use. They don’t require setups of any kind. Every person can use them, even without technological expertise. The user just has to just put the device on his/her head. This means that virtual reality may exit the techie realm and enter into the consumers domain;
  • They are handy. It is very easy to carry a headset with you by just putting it in your backpack;
  • They come in various flavors, like:
    • very cheap standalone devices, such as the Oculus Go and Pico Goblin, that offer a very basic experience;
    • more expensive devices that let the user move inside virtual reality, like the Vive Focus and Lenovo Mirage Solo;
    • Oculus Santa Cruz and Pico Neo that offer an expensive experience but with the ability to move and interact within the virtual world.

In my previous post, I highlighted how price and ease of use are two of the pain points of virtual reality. Standalone devices can solve both. They can make virtual reality mainstream and can be the key to eventually get 1 billion people in virtual reality, as Mark Zuckerberg wants. That’s why always more companies are betting on this form factor.

But …
There’s a big issue that I want to highlight: in the very short term, standalones are VR-only devices, so they require people to spend money just to experience virtual reality. But the general consumer still doesn’t understand the purpose of VR and, in fact, a lot of free Cardboards and Gear VRs gather dust on the shelves. This means that the various manufacturers will have to convince people why they need to spend money to have VR.

Standalone devices will be important for VR widespread diffusion. But, as you can see, the road to mainstream adoption is still long.

Antony Vitillo, AR/VR Consultant and Blogger

[ISACA Now Blog]

The Age of the DPO

Articles 37 and 38 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provide information on the principles and impartiality of the critical data protection officer (DPO) role, specifying the high-level rules on what can and can’t be done. But like most of the GDPR, it leaves wide open the interpretation of the how and when it is appropriate to have a DPO.

Article 29 Working Party has provided much-needed guidance on this subject, and we have been told which roles can’t hold DPO responsibilities (such as the CEO and Marketing Director, due to potential conflicts of interest). However, it does not address the first question on every organization’s lips: “Do I need to appoint an independent DPO in the first place, and if yes, when?”

The answer lies in the organization itself, or more specifically, the types of data processing activities it undertakes. For example, if you process large quantities of EU personal data (such as a small US-based web profiling firm that tracks IP addresses or web cookies for a French utility website to provide customer website stickiness), or if you hold sensitive personal records like medical histories, then your organization qualifies under GDPR rules and you therefore need to allocate someone to manage the DPO responsibilities (note: the DPO does not necessarily have to be directly employed by the organization, just qualified to hold the role).

Like the applicability of GDPR itself, the DPO role is not dependent upon number of staff or size of turnover, which is why many of the UK’s 5.7 million small-to-medium sized organizations qualify for GDPR (55 million across the EU), and why so many other organizations around the world that provide services into Europe are busy preparing themselves for GDPR compliance. This makes GDPR a truly global regulation and its implications far-reaching. For example, if as an EU citizen I wanted to exercise my rights under GDPR with an organization based in Delhi, then I’m entitled to this right (assuming my personal data is processed there), and the organization has to uphold my request.

Depending upon the size of your organization and the level of processing activities you undertake, you may choose to nominate an individual with responsibility, split the responsibilities among different roles, or even outsource the role externally. However, the only stipulation is that the DPO must be truly independent and understand the systems and processes involving personal data and/or deliver services to EU citizens and, crucially, be qualified or experienced in data protection. This is obvious when you consider the unique nature of advice given and the difficulty in interpretation of the GDPR rule book. It also precludes the role being held by a lawyer; as important it is to understand the law, it is equally important to be able to implement the law within your organization.

So, every DPO has rather a difficult job to do. DPOs need to understand the implications of the law within your organization, uphold the rights of individuals and provide careful advice surrounding the implementation of the rules. Get this wrong, and you could end up in court or face huge financial penalties. Of course, this is naturally dependent upon how much data you are processing or perhaps the risks your systems face from its daily processing activities. In other words, if your systems for processing data are complicated and stretch back to the Doomsday book – you have a lot of work to do. Conversely, if you process small amounts of EU personal data, then the impact of GDPR is nominal. The key to appointing your DPO is choosing an individual who understands law, security and privacy risk. You need someone who can determine the difference between a business decision and a true privacy/security risk (e.g., consent, rights or data encryption), and has the ability to make crucial judgements on what could attract unwanted regulator attention or cost the business in loss of trade or a missed opportunity.

The key to this role, then, not only lies in finding a knowledgeable, balanced individual who is sensible under pressure, but also an individual who understands the principles of privacy and security, can act with integrity to protect the rights of an individual, and preferably can advise on protecting personal data to avoid any harm to that individual.

Above all, whether you outsource, co-source or hire a DPO (or contactor), my strong advice is you pick someone who understands GDPR, risk and controls, and has experience in implementing mechanisms that will allow your organization to make appropriate and proportionate risk assessments (think privacy by design), and realistic recommendations that will balance the cost of compliance in doing business against the cost of growing the business.

Good luck in your search, and take your time to find the right solution for your organization.

Editor’s note: For more ISACA resources on GDPR, visit

Steve Wright, Data Privacy & Information Security Officer, John Lewis Partnership

[ISACA Now Blog]

Tech Docs: Get Started with Traps 5.0 and the New Traps Management Servic

We recently announced Traps 5.0 cloud-delivered advanced endpoint protection and there is already quite the buzz!

The Traps 5.0 and Traps management service releases include the following key features:

  • Cloud-delivered service—The Traps management service streamlines the deployment of your endpoint security infrastructure, thus eliminating the need to build, manage, and maintain management servers.
  • Integration with the Logging Service—Centralizes Traps log collection for event management, threat hunting, and incident response.
  • Streamlined user interface—Easy-to-use dashboards to help surface critical information, events, and workflows.
  • Traps OS support extended to Linux servers—Enables customers to protect critical data center and public cloud workloads.
  • Proactive scanning—On-demand or automated scanning to identify dormant malware before it attempts to run.

If you are ready to get started, look no further than the following Traps documentation resources:

Happy reading!
Your friendly Technical Documentation team

Have questions? Contact us at

[Palo Alto Networks Research Center]

Announcing Traps 5.0: Cloud-Delivered Advanced Endpoint Protection

Our recent enhancements to Traps have focused on reinforcing prevention capabilities and introducing innovative techniques for protecting against malware, exploits and ransomware. At the same time, our team has also been focused on transforming Traps into a cloud-delivered advanced endpoint protection service.

Today, we are excited to announce Traps 5.0, the most significant release for Traps to date.

Let’s take a look at what’s included in the Traps 5.0 release.


Traps Management Service
The multi-region, cloud-based Traps management service saves organizations from having to invest in building out their own global security infrastructures and ties into Palo Alto Networks Next-Generation Security Platform for additional integration and value. The service is simple to deploy and requires no server licenses, databases or other infrastructure to get started, enabling organizations to protect hundreds to millions of endpoints without incurring additional operating costs.


Palo Alto Networks Logging Service Integration
Integration into the Palo Alto Networks Logging Service allows more effective event management, threat hunting and incidence response, combining endpoint, network and cloud context.

The Traps management service and agents forward all logs to our Logging Service, which is viewable in the Traps management service itself. Logging Service becomes a central repository for the collection and storage of events and incident data captured by Traps, regardless of location.


Reimagined User Interface
You asked; we listened! Traps 5.0 brings a new user interface specifically designed to be more intuitive and minimize the operational challenges that are often associated with endpoint security management. This new interface delivers out-of-the-box protections that streamline the process of protecting new endpoints which come online, and key workflows that focus on policy and event management.

Some of the many capabilities delivered by the new interface include simplified workflows for creating and executing policies that follow the order of operations; sensitivity ranked alerts to enable quick and prioritized event triage; and dynamic grouping so, as new endpoints are added, policy associated with the appropriate policy group is immediately applied.

Additionally, WildFire reports are now viewable directly from security alerts within Traps. The WildFire reports contain critical event details including targeted users, application(s) that delivered the threats, URLs involved in the delivery of threats, and the behavior that was observed in WildFire dynamic analysis.


Linux Support
Linux rounds out the list of major OS platforms now supported by Traps, enabling customers to protect resource- and performance-sensitive cloud workloads against exploits with host-based security. With many of these Linux-based workloads moving to the cloud, the lightweight Traps agent gives you exploit protection with minimal impact on performance and system resources.


Proactive Scanning for Incident Response and Compliance
Previous versions of Traps focused on refining the ability to block malware as it attempted to execute. Traps 5.0 introduces the ability to periodically scan endpoints for dormant malware. If a malicious file is identified, Traps can automatically quarantine the file, ensuring it does not detonate and potentially infect the endpoint and spread to other endpoints.


To learn more about Traps 5.0:


[Palo Alto Networks Research Center]

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